(02) 9660 7208
Your local doctor
133 Johnston St, Annandale NSW 2038
Annandale Family Doctors - Changes to fees from 2nd January, 2024
Annandale Family Doctors is a mixed billing practice. Unfortunately, the Medicare rebates have not kept pace with the costs involved in delivering quality care. As a result, there is a gap fee between the fee we are charging and the rebate the patient receives from Medicare (see table below).
Dr Sue Acton and Dr Kathryn Medynski will be charging private fees to all patients including Children, Pensioner, Health care and Concession Card holders.
Any vaccinations given by the Practice Nurse will still be bulk billed.
Dr Daniel Chalmers will also be charging private fees but will bulk bill Veterans Affairs patients, Pensioners, Concession card holders and Children under 5 years old.
Dr Chalmers will charge private fees for all new acupuncture patients.
We ask that all accounts are paid at the time of consultation.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, EFTPOS and Cash.
The fee charged for a consultation is dependent on the level of complexity involved in the appointment, not just the time taken.
There may also be further or varied charges for other items, such as Procedures, Insurance Medicals and Vaccinations. If you are unsure about any potential charges, please speak to the Receptionist when making an appointment
If you anticipate difficulty paying your fees, you are able to discuss this with the doctor during your appointment.
Annandale Family Doctors can assist you by transmitting your Medicare claim for GP consults on the day of your appointment. This is done securely via Medicare online or by using our EFTPOS terminal.
For online claiming the rebate will be paid directly into the bank account you have nominated with Medicare within 24-48 hours. To receive the rebate using the EFTPOS terminal you will need to have a debit card with you which has a Cheque or Savings account on it, you will then receive the Medicare rebate on the spot. Both of these claiming options are only available on the day of your consult.
The Medicare rebates listed above may change. Furthermore, they may be incorrect if you have reached the Medicare Safety Net, in which case, you will receive a higher rebate. For more information on the Safety Net please visit the Medicare Website: (https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/medicare/medicare-safety-nets).